25th September 2020
We are preparing to restart our part-time weekday Maktab. There will be limited spaces available.
To find out more about how to apply for your child(ren) and the fees applicable, please click here.
1st October 2020
Maktab admissions are now open. Please click here to download the application form and for further information. Please note, submitting an application for your child will not guarantee a place for them as we have limited capacity and we will only take on new students on a first come, first served basis and who are currently at a beginner level (Qaidah/Juz Amma).
21st October 2020
As the days are getting colder as we move towards winter, we are no longer able to keep the front Masjid door open for late-comers to daily salaat. From now onwards, we are opening the back entrance (as previous to lockdown) 15 minutes prior to Jamaat start time for each 5 daily salaats for mussallees to enter the Masjid. The Exit will still remain as the front door. Please note, the back entrance will be closed for Friday Jummah and mussallees will still need to line up to enter from the front door of the masjid on Cowley Road.
22nd October 2020
We are still asking all our mussallees to participate in the government Test & Trace program by providing their name and contact details every time they enter the Masjid. To make things easier, we have posted our Test & Trace QR Code at the entrance (Front & back) so you can just scan the code quickly and easily with your smartphone before entering the Masjid. You can download the NHS Covid-19 App from both Apple App Store and Google Play.
5th November 2020
As of 00.00am we have closed BIECM for ALL services, including Jama'at and individual daily prayers, Friday Jummah and children's weekday Maktab until further notice. Unfortunately also, due to limited resources, we are unable to continue to broadcast the 5 daily Adhaans while we remain closed during the period of National Lockdown. Please keep us in your Du'as so that we are able to re-open and resume services as soon as possible. Jazak AllahKhair.
2nd December 2020
Alhamdulillah! As we have finally come out of the second national lockdown, we are pleased to announce that BIECM is now open for general Masjid and children's weekday Maktab services. However, we are all still required to adhere to ALL covid-19 measures in place such as social distancing and the wearing of masks while inside the Masjid. For more information on all covid-19 measures in place, please click here.